Hotel Doors
Hotels are mostly about the guest experience, associated with a beautiful location, services, amenities and amazing rooms that make guests feel at home. But one of the key elements of the perfect guest experience; in addition to guest satisfaction, it is the safety of the guests. Fire-resistant doors in hotels are essential to keep guests safe and enable them to evacuate the building safely in case of emergency.

However, those in the building may not always be able to leave their rooms and be evacuated. For example, if the fire started on their floor and there is no way to safely reach the exit, guests may have to stay in their room until help arrives. In these situations, it is important that room doors are smoke and flame resistant long enough to allow emergency personnel to arrive on scene and reach trapped guests. Therefore, room doors must be compatible with the existing aesthetics and design, while at the same time ensuring the privacy and security of the users.

Our company not only produces high-quality materials that are resistant to even the heaviest traffic but also customized hotel doors that are compatible with the design of which they are a part are produced in accordance with current building regulations in terms of fire resistance, acoustics and thermal insulation, and offer a wide range of models and solutions for your needs.